In order to be eligible to take a computer exam, a student must: 1. Now you will be on the Examplify home page (which the app often calls the dashboard).
: Once you have supplied your student username and password this time, Examplify will recognise you and not ask for them again. For Student Test Takers Tech Support and Help, please contact the Examsoft Test Takers Support line at 866. Student didn’t receive the Completion Green Screen a) Open Examplify and click on the Exam File that needs to be removed within the Exam List. Type UNCMed, then select from the drop-down menu.
Once installed and launched, Examplify will ask you to read and agree to the software license agreement. For more information on ExamSoft Examplify, such as how to take a mock exam, troubleshooting, exam features, and much more, please click here.Examplify student login Have you ever changed your MedPortal password?